How Does Diet Impact Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a procedure through which dentists help patients fix their stains, discolored teeth, and yellowish appearance. There can be several factors that may contribute to bad-looking teeth. In some cases, it might be because of improper hygiene practices, and in other cases, there might be some underlying factor. 

The reason can only be known by getting a proper dental exam done. The dentist can determine what is contributing to your discolored or bad-looking teeth. Avoid drinking coffee and wine, as they can also make your teeth look stained. 

In the South Loop, you can come across many dentists that provide such dental services where you can get your dental problem fixed. Lifestyle factors, such as diet, can contribute to discoloration, and enamel may be affected by it as well. 

Some vegetables, such as carrots, or fruits like apples, are good food items that can help you get rid of plaque. Strawberries are also good if you want to whiten your enamel. Fix your stains and discoloration by contacting a Dentist South Loop Chicago

What are the lifestyle changes that can make things better?

If you have yellow teeth that have been persisting for too long, there are different things that you can do to fix them. Certain lifestyle habits can help in reversing the discoloration. Try indulging more fruits in your diet and have more and more water. Add lean protein to your routine to lessen the chances of staining. 

Do not have drinks or food items that are known for making your teeth look discolored. Even if you do want to enjoy those beverages, try not taking them on a regular basis. Tea, wine, and coffee can lead to discoloration if consumed on a regular basis. You can make use of a straw to drink these beverages, which can reduce the effect. 

If you want to maintain good oral hygiene, it is essential that you brush your teeth twice regularly and floss on a daily basis, too. Make use of mouthwash too. Furthermore, make regular dental visits to ensure that your oral health is intact, and if there is some issue, it can be addressed early on. 

It is recommended that you go for dental cleaning every six months. If there is a build from plaque that is now hardened, you would not be able to get rid of it on your own; therefore, let the professional help you with that. 

What are the foods that you can drink to prevent staining or reduce it?

As discussed earlier, tea and coffee need to be avoided, and if you have any sodas or are average, make use of a straw. Making use of a straw helps by reducing contact between your teeth and your drink. If you want your diet to be healthy, try to indulge in fluoridated water. 

It will help by removing bacteria from your teeth and is also a healthy option to be included in your diet. You also get some minerals from drinking this water, such as calcium and other essential minerals. These minerals help prevent oral cavities and also make your teeth strong. 

Add some crunchy food items to your diet, such as celery or cheese, carrots, etc. They will increase the production of saliva in your mouth and thereby help to wash away the bacteria that may form plaque. In addition to this, try adding leafy greens as well. 

They have different ingredients that also help promote oral health. Bring these changes to your diet, and you will gradually begin to see changes in your oral health. 

Fix your stain by reaching out to a dentist!

If you are looking for a solution to your stained or discolored teeth, dental cleaning can fix it. There are different teeth-whitening methods that can help in getting rid of those stains and discoloration. Book your appointment today and stop delaying the treatment, as it can get worse with time.

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