When choosing a Google Ads Agency or SEO Agency, you must consider a few important factors. These include the Cost per click model, Targeted advertising, and Transparency. A certified Google ads agency has proven expertise in Google tools, and measurable results for its customers. You should also consider the reputation of the agency, and whether it is Google-recognised.
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
Pay-per-click (PPC) is an effective way to get immediate results from your online advertising campaign. Paid ads are displayed in the Google search results when someone types in a keyword phrase that is relevant to your business. Your ad’s ranking will depend on how well it matches your targeted keywords. The right pay-per-click agency can create a PPC campaign and optimize it for maximum performance.
To get a great return on your investment, choose keywords that are related to your business and industry. Use the Semrush Keyword Magic tool to discover profitable keywords. You can also choose to use micro-CPCs to target specific keywords in your ads.
Cost-per-click model
Google Ads and SEO agencies typically work with a CPC model, which means that they charge a set amount per click, sometimes called pay-per-click. The cost of this model varies depending on the type of ad, target demographic, and level of competition. Some ads can cost as little as $0.01, while others can reach upwards of $15. There are a few ways to regulate cost, including setting a flat fee or hourly rates. While it’s not ideal to charge by the hour, many clients prefer this option because they can easily track how much work was completed.
The OuterBox Google Ads team specializes in creating targeted ad campaigns that get results. They are Google partners, and their consultants keep up with the latest trends in paid search. Their staff of 90 digital marketing experts works with hundreds of clients across industries. They conduct regular keyword research, negative keyword expansion, and bid management on a campaign-by-campaign basis.
When choosing a Google ads agency, transparency is of paramount importance. Not only does it provide a clearer picture of the results of the work done, but it can also improve the relationship between the two parties. Moreover, transparent reporting ensures that both parties are provided with the latest and most accurate information. This helps prevent corruption and promotes a healthy relationship between the agency and the business. It is important to note that a business owner may not see the result of SEO work for three to six months, and hence should look for more transparency in the agency’s work.
Ideally, transparency is a key feature of any professional agency. It ensures that both parties are delivering the services as promised. If a firm is unable to meet its obligations, clients will lose trust in its services. Besides, the lack of transparency in the work of an SEO agency will negatively impact the business’s reputation.