How To Prevent Forced Labour ?

As per the report of anti-slavery Australia, more than 40.3 million people worldwide are facing slavery. Slavery has taken a modern shape of forced labor nowadays. The forced labor has grown in numbers in businesses all around the world. Forced labor refers to work or labor for which people are forced against their own will.

People or victims working under such conditions are not allowed to stop and are oppressed by their employees in the form of coercion, harassment, and lower wages. People of all ages are affected by such slavery mostly children and women are manipulated and lured more easily in these modern slaveries. In this article, we have provided ways to help eradicate modern slavery from the world

1. Awareness

Awareness is the primary tool to bring a change in any domain. To fight against any sort of exploitation, people must know they are being exploited. If people are unaware of what is going on and how to fight against it then nothing can be done on a major level.

Every change starts from the individual level. Forced labor can be seen in domestic works, the agricultural sector, fishing, mining, construction, prostitution, and sexual exploitation to mention a few. Raising awareness regarding forced labor is the main and best way to recognize the victims who need help.

2. Reporting

Spreading awareness assists employees in realizing how to identify and report cases they see of forced labor, slavery, or any other form of exploitation. To realize in detail what the reporting process is, how it works, and which authorities are to be updated to prevent such cases is a must. This can be achieved by giving proper training to the people who can help you bring a real change by comprehending the significance of reporting such cases.

3. Collaboration

Force labor may not be the only even through which the employees are being exploited in different industries. Let’s say, domestic workers and miners might be treated and exploited in different ways. So forced labor may have different shapes in different industries and countries as well. States need to collaborate with other states in this regard and make strict trade laws.

The United Nations must also play a role in it. Each business at ground level can collaborate with different agencies and seek Forced Labor Trade Law Services to guarantee that the exports and imports taking place in their business are under the standards and regulations.

4. Support

Another important factor in fighting against forced labor is to have access to plenty of resources in the form of money, manpower, and political power. People raising voices against slavery or forced labor must be provided with thorough protection. It must be the responsibility of the state.

Designing and implementing victim support during and after the resolution of an incident can go a long way in ensuring its prevention. The state must provide needed protection and must also take action against the businesses or industries involved in such criminal cases.

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